# File mess-cyloop.en
# Author Bernard Chardonneau
# This file contains the text messages in English language
# that the various tools of Cyloop send to users.
# Its presence is required. It must be implanted in the same
# directory as the executable commands of Cyloop, otherwise
# they will not work correctly.
# Although it is not compiled, this file should be considered
# as a source file of Cyloop.
# Any changes to inappropriate content may disrupt the operation
# of one or more Cyloop tools.
# This file is written in a language which does not use
# accentuated characters. So, it can be used whith every charset
# (ISO-8859-n UTF-8 or another).
# If you translate it in another language which uses european
# alphabet with some accentuated characters, the best will be
# to use ISO-8859-1 charset to write it. So, the file will also
# work correctly with an UTF-8 charset display.
# If you need to write a file using UTF-8 charset, it's name
# will have to be followed of -utf suffix, and then, the file
# will not be detected if you use Cyloop with a ISO-8859-n
# charset display.
# User rights specified for Cyloop source files
# apply to this data file.
MNEMO_ABSENT "Symbol %s missing from the file mess-cyloop.en"
ERR_LECCHOIX "lecchoix function : lookup inglorious end"
VOTRE_CHOIX "\nYour choice ? "
MAUV_CHOIX "Invalid choice !\n"
SYNT_CYLINCR "Usage : %s cyloop_file_name"
SYNT_CYLADDVAL "Usage : %s cyloop_file_name value"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH1 "Usage : %s cyloop_file_name image_file_name"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH2 " general_options description_of_plots"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH3 "General options :"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH4 "[-h graph_height] [-w graph_width] [-H image_height]"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH5 "[-W image_width] [-T image_title] -p"
SYNT_CYLGRAPH6 "Description of plots : -[m|M](tthickness|a) color"
// cylincr and cyladdval
MANQUE_NOMFICH "Missing file name"
MANQUE_NOM_OU_VAR "Missing file name or value of the variable missing"
ACCES_CYLOOP_RW "Cyloop file %s does not exist or is read or write protected"
FICH_NON_CYLOOP "File %s is not a cyloop file"
CYLOOP_LISTEVAR "This cyloop file uses a list of variables"
UTIL_VCOMPLETE "use the full version of cyloop"
VAR_COMPTEUR "The variable of cyloop file is a counter : use cylincr"
VAR_NON_COMPTEUR "The variable of cyloop file is not a counter : use cyladdval"
REGRES_TEMPS "Time regression : a manual intervention"
REGRES_TEMPS2 "on the cyloop file or on the clock is necessary"
FORTE_REGR_TEMPS "Big time regression : a manual intervention "
REGR_VERIF_HORL "Time regression : check the computer clock"
VAL_TROP_GRANDE "Value to add is too large"
BESOIN_VARFLOAT "It would be better to use a floating point variable"
PAR_DEBORD_NUM "Remind : overflow digital variable"
DEBORD_NUMERIQUE "Overflow digital variable"
BESOIN_CONV32B "Should convert to 32 bit"
BESOIN_CONVFLOAT "Should convert to float"
// cylgraph
ARGS_MANQUANTS "Too few arguments"
OPTION_INCONNUE "Option -%c unknown or misplaced"
ERR_PARAMETRES "Error in parameters from %s"
MINMAX_MANQUANT "No storage of minimum and maximum for this variable"
MINMAX_COMPTEUR "Counter variable, the minimum and maximum are not saved"
MANQUE_MEMOIRE1 "Lack of memory space to generate a graph"
TROP_COULEURS "too many colors required for the graph"
MANQUE_MEMOIRE2 "Lack of memory space to generate the image"
IMPOS_CRE_FIMAGE "Unable to create a working image file %s"
CONVERT_ABSENTE "ImageMagick convert command not available"
IMAGE_RESTE_BMP "Generated image in BMP format in file %s"
CYLOOP_TRONQUE "Error reading cyloop file : file probably truncated"
// gentexte
FICFONTE_MANQUANT "Font file %s missing"
CAR_RPL_BLANCS "some characters are replaced by blanks"
CAR_RPL_ISO-8859-1 "some characters are replaced with those of ISO-8859-1 charset"
CAR_RPL_ISO-8859b "other by those of ISO-8859-1 charset"
CARFONTE_INTERDIT "Presence of the character %02X not allowed in the font file"
SYSFONT_PROTEGE "sysfont file is present but read-protected"
UTIL_ISO-8859-1 "Character set ISO-8859-1 will be used"
MANQUE_MEMOIRE "Lack of memory space"
SEQ_UTF8_TRONQUEE "UTF-8 encoded sequence %s incomplete"
CAR_HORS_SEQ_UTF8 "Character %02X (%c) outside a UTF-8 sequence"
// cylcree
CYLOOP_EXISTE "cyloop file %s already exists"
PB_CREE_CYLOOP "Can not create cyloop file %s"
PB_ECR_CYLOOP "Problem for writing to cyloop file"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES "Choose a measurement cycle\n"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES1 "Annual cycle starting on 1st January at 0:00"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES2 "Monthly cycle starting on 1st day of the month at 0:00"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES3 "Weekly cycle starting on Monday at 0:00"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES4 "Weekly cycle starting on Sunday at 0:00"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES5 "Daily cycle starting at 0:00"
CHOIX_CYCLEMES6 "Other cycle"
UTIL_HEURE_TU "use universal time"
UTIL_HEURE_LOC "use local time"
CYCLE_EN_JOURS "... days cycle"
CYCLE_EN_HEURES "... hours cycle"
CYCLE_EN_MIN "... minutes cycle"
CYCLE_EN_SEC "... seconds cycle"
DEM_DUREE_CYCLE "Cycle length ? "
DEM_DEBUT_CYCLE "Start of cycle\n"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE1 "... days ago"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE2 "Today at 0:00"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE3 "... hours ago"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE4 "At the beginning of the hour"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE5 "... minutes ago"
DEM_DEB_CYCLE6 "At the beginning of the minute"
COMBIEN_MINUTES "minutes ? "
DEM_NB_DON_CYCLE "\nNumber of data per measurement cycle ? "
ERREUR_SAISIE "Input error, try again"
UN_CYCLE_MESURE "\nA measurement cycle "
PEUT_DURER "can spend up to "
366_JOURS "366 days"
31_JOURS "31 days"
CYCLE_DURE "spend"
JOUR "day"
JOURS "days"
HEURE "hour"
HEURES "hours"
MINUTE "minute"
MINUTES "minutes"
NATURE_DONNEES "\nNature of stored data\n"
COMPTEUR_PASSAGE "Counter of passage"
DEM_CALC_PONDER "\nDo you make a weight calculation"
DEM_CALC_PONDER2 "on each change of cycle ? "
SAIS_COEF_PONDER "\nWeighting coefficient ? "
ERREUR_COEF_POND "Incorrect weighting coefficient"
VAL_PONDER_OK1 "Allowed values from 0.0039 to 0.996"
VAL_PONDER_OK2 "or 0.39% to 99.61%"
VAL_PONDER_OK3 "or 1/256 to 255/256"
PONDER_CYCLE_VIDE "\nMust we do a weight calculation for empty cycles ? "
CALCULS_MOYENNE "\nFor the average calculations, do you want\n"
COEF_GLOBAL_CONS "a global coefficient (recommended)"
COEF_GLOBAL "a global coefficient for the whole cycle"
COEF_DISTINCT "a separate coefficient for each moment of the cycle"
CPT_INSTANTS "\nDuring a cycle, each moment can be considered\n"
UNE_FOIS "once"
PLUSIEURS_FOIS "several times"
MAJ_COEF_MOY "\nThe average calculation coefficient must be updated\n"
UNE_FOIS_INSTANT "once for each moment of the cycle"
AUTANT_FOIS_VAR "as many times as the variable is stored"
DEM_FORM_DONNEES "\nStored data format\n"
ENTIER_16_BITS "16-bit integer"
ENTIER_16_B_SUF "16-bit integer (enough)"
ENTIER_32_BITS "32-bit integer"
MEM_MIN_MAX_1 "\nDo you want to memorize min and max values"
MEM_MIN_MAX_2 "of each moment of the cycle ? "
// cyldump
CYLOOP_ABSENT "Cyloop file %s non-existent or read-protected"
DUMP_CYLOOP "Dump of cyloop file %s\n\n"
DEBUT_CYCLE "Start of current cycle"
AN_MOIS_JOUR_H_M "year month day hour minute"
CYCLE_SYNC_TU "Cycles synchronized on the hour Universal Time"
CYCLE_SYNC_HLOC "Cycles synchronized to local time"
CYCLE_MESURE "\nCycle measurement "
ANNUEL "annual"
MENSUEL "monthly"
NB_DON_CYCLE "%u data per cycle\n"
DERN_DONNEE_MAJ "Last data of the cycle updated : %u\n"
AUCUNE_DON_MAJ "No data updated in a cycle"
TYPE_VARIABLE "Variable type : "
COMPT_PASSAGE_SUR "Counter of passage on "
32_BITS "32 bits"
16_BITS "16 bits"
VALEUR_FLOTTANTE "floating point value"
VAL_ENTIERE_32B "32-bit integer value"
MEMO_MIN_MAX "Storing values min and max at each instant of the cycle"
CALCUL_PONDER "Weighting calculation during a change of cycle"
COEF_PONDERATION "Weighting factor : %4.3f = 2.1f %% or %d/256\n"
PONDER_CYCL_VIDE "Weighting calculation on empty cycles"
NO_POND_CYCL_VID "Empty cycles are ignored for weighting calculation"
SANS_PONDERATION "No weighting calculation in a change of cycle"
MODE_CALC_MOY "Method of averaging data :"
VAL_COMPTEUR "Current value of the counter : "
VAL_COMPTEUR2 "%u/256 = %4.2f\n"
MAJ_MULTIPLES "Several updated data available at each moment of a cycle"
FREQ_MAJ_MOY "The average coefficient is updated "
FREQ_MAJ_MOY1 "on each update of the data in the cycle"
FREQ_MAJ_MOY2 "once for each moment of a cycle"
MAJ_UNIQUE_INST "Only one update of the data for each moment of a cycle"
MAJ_UNIQUE_INST "Une seule mise à jour des données à chaque instant d'un cycle"
INST_BRUT_COEF_M " Instant Value Coef aver Average either"
INST_VBRUT_MOY " Instant Value Average either"
INST_VBRUTE " Instant Value "
COEF_MOY " Coef aver "
MIN_MOY_MAX " Minimum Average Maximum"
MOYENNE " Average"